Learn to Play the Accordion

Our North Staffs Accordion Club band is very active. It meets on a weekly basis and, as your playing improves, you can join the band and participate in band concerts.

We provide:

  • free tuition
  • a loan instrument
  • practical help if you decide to purchase your own accordion
  • an environment where you can enjoy the camaraderie of other people with the same interest – our beginners group!

Your friends and family will be invited to enjoy our monthly social events. Our concert evenings feature excellent guest artists/entertainers and we normally round the year off with a most enjoyable Christmas party.

Our website www.northstaffsaccordionclub.co.uk will tell you a lot more about our club and our bi-monthly newsletters are featured there. Also, we have a Facebook page, why not take a look?

Please contact our secretary, Steve Hughes, or our chairman, Mike Richards, to find out more – we’d love to hear from you.

Steve – Tel: 01782 787935
Mob: 07939 362 294
Email: stevehg0@gmail.com

Mike – Tel: 01782 642101
Mob: 07823 495 042
Email: mikerichardsassoc@tiscali.co.uk