“East Staffordshire landlord gets a big surprise as James Bond aka Roger Moore shows up at his door”
DINERS at a popular pub restaurant were left thrilled when former James Bond actor Sir Roger Moore joined them for lunch – just days before a new 007 film arrived in cinemas.
Sir Roger, currently touring the country, popped into the Dog and Partridge, in Marchington, on Saturday.
The surprise visit left landlord Paul Needham, fellow staff, and visitors feeling a little bit star struck.
The landlord said: “In all fairness he had booked under his own name but it never crossed my mind – there’s a lot of Moores out there.
“He was with his wife and other colleagues, I have to admit I didn’t immediately realise it was him until our chef spotted it.
“I was waiting on his table myself but wanted to give him privacy and so waited until the end of the meal before I said anything.”
A chat with the former Bond, who is 88, revealed he was en route to Nottingham as part of his ongoing tour of shows titled ‘An Evening with Sir Roger Moore’.
He ordered, and according to Mr Needham, very much enjoyed the eatery’s cottage pie for lunch.
Mr Needham added: “Before he left he shook my hand and thanked us, and told us how nice it had been to eat here. He seemed very approachable and to be a really nice chap.”
Caroline Kay, who was celebrating her mum’s 75th birthday at the venue, said: “Sir Roger and his wife walked passed me while I was waiting at the bar to be served. I just thought ‘that bloke’s a dead ringer for Roger Moore’.
“It wasn’t until my partner, John, came over and said: ‘Did you see who that was? I held the door open for him!’ then I knew he was the real deal.
“We didn’t like to go over and interrupt Sir Roger while he was eating his lunch. We thought it would be really rude to, but if we’d seen him in the car park I am sure a few selfies would have been the order of the day. To be honest, we were all a bit star struck.”
The sighting was all the more topical as the new long-awaited Bond movie, Spectre, starring Daniel Craig, was released in cinemas yesterday.
Roger Moore starred in the famous film series from 1973 and 1985. He will be best remembered for The Man with the Golden Gun and Live and Let Die.
Sourced from: http://www.burtonmail.co.uk/East-Staffordshire-landlord-gets-big-surprise/story-28056660-detail/story.html#ixzz3qQtPbD17