Reflexology is a gentle therapy that encourages the body to regain a natural balance and heal itself. The results are amazing.
Reflexology, the holistic path to future health.
Reflexology is a non-invasive therapy, which incorporates the use of finger and thumb pressure to specific points on the hands and feet.
The points in question are called ‘reflexes’ and they mirror the structures of the body and the internal organs. By manipulating these reflex points, the body can be healed without the use of drugs. It is a touch therapy delicately encouraging the whole body to relax and as a result excess tension in the muscles is reduced and the circulation returns to normal and an optimal state of balance is then restored.
The effect is soothing; calming the clients emotional state. Clients quickly notice the positive changes after a few sessions and the feedback is encouraging. Reflexologists have to be fully insured and pass stringent exams in order to be let loose on the public. They must also hold a current first aid certificate.
A typical first session should be long enough to get an overview of the clients health and by law they are obliged to take a detailed history of any ailments past or present. The initial consultation is for the benefit of both the therapist and the client in order to record the progress of the sessions and the ascertain the possibility of contraindications. That is to say, any factors the client may have that would be detrimental to achieving good health through Reflexology. When the limits of the therapists training are exceeded we would aways advise the client to visit the GP or any relevant specialist, such as a chiropractor.
Reflexology can be used in tandem with Allopathic medicine and is a great help when one is recovering from surgery. Please note that health insurance clients can claim back any fees, if they have the correct policy.
When choosing a therapist be sure you are in the hands of a fully trained professional, check with the Association Register and the path to future health will lead you to a better state of well-being.
We hope you find this article of interest.
Ian, Trade Locally