Gardening Tips – Your garden in July/August

Now is the time to give your lawn a high Nitrogen summer feed. Mow on a regular basis but during hot, dry spells, raise the blades slightly to reduce stress on the grass.

gardenKeep hanging baskets and patio pots well watered, this will need to be done every day or even twice a day in very hot weather. At the same time remove faded flowers to encourage new growth, this will keep your display looking fresh.

As the first flush of flowers fade on your roses it is vital to deadhead them. Prune back the flowered stem to just above a leaf or sideshoot, this will lead to new shoots, followed by new flowering stems.

Keep greenhouses from getting very hot by leaving vents and doors open, also damp down the path to raise humidity, in the greenhouse, keep a close check for signs of green fly, white fly and spider mite.

Check your garden every week for weeds and take action to control them. If you can keep on top of this task at this time of year then this will prevent them from seeding and being a bigger problem later in the summer.

Robin Harper
Mount Nurseries
